Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Tips Agar Terhindar dari Penipu di Internet

 Jika anda suka berinternet, berikut ini beberapa tips yang wajib di taati jika ingin aman atau terhindar dari penipu di dunia maya.

1. Gunakan program AntiVirus dengan update terbaru.

2. Jangan memberi data pribadi anda di sembarang situs.

3. Jangan mengunduh atau mendownload dari situs yang tidak di kenal.

4. Jangan sembarang mengklik link yang ada di dalam email. Link tersebut bisa membawa kamu ke situs yang akan mencuri data pribadi atau menginfeksi komputer atau laptop dengan program berbahaya.

5. Jangan membuka attachment dari pengirim yang tidak di kenal.

6. Jangan mudah terpancing dengan link "unsubscribe" dalam email spam. Link tersebut tidak akan mengurangi spam tapi justru membuat kamu menerima lebih banyak spam atau terinfeksi malware.

7. Jangan terpancing dengan penawaran yang menggiurkan atau ancaman pemblokiran akun.

Jadi kamu harus selalu teliti atau waspada di dunia maya karena dunia maya dunia yang luas yang dapat menghubungkan kamu dengan seluruh dunia. jadi selalu lah berhati-hati.

Semoga bermanfaat...

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

wonders of a chicken egg

Egg is a container for the accumulation of nutrients such as protein, water, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals needed to embryo growth (potential children) until they hatch. Embryo development in fertilized eggs (the marriage) can occur due incubated by the parent or with the help of hatching machines.

Eggs (chicken 'local') are commonly sold in markets is generally not the result of marriage between baboons and good, cannot hatch, because he has no germ cell elements.

In principle all types of eggs has the same structure, Eggs consist of six parts: an egg shell or outer skin (shell), shell membrane, egg white (albumin), egg yolk (yolk), yolk rope (chalaza) and germ cell (germ plasm). Each section has a unique function.

Egg shell serves as a protector of embryos from outside interference that is not profitable. Shell also serves to protect the egg white and egg yolk in order not to go out and contamination from substances that are not desirable.

Egg shell has pores as media traffic gaseous oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) during the hatching process. Oxygen is required for the process of respiration and the embryonic development.

Egg white (albumen) is a place of storage of water and nutrients in the eggs used for embryonic growth. Egg yolk is part of a round shape, yellow to orange and there in the middle of the egg.

Egg yolks contain fat that are important for embryo growth. Inside the egg yolks contained germ cells are a major component of avian embryos. At the blunt end of eggs contained air cavities that are useful to breathe for the embryo during the hatching period, which lasted an average of 20-22 days.

Eggs Creation Secrets :

No doubt the egg is a great miracle in nature contain nutrients that are perfect for poultry embryonic life. Even so, to be able to produce embryo, the egg must obtain a comfortable environment (comfort zone) so that the embryo is in it can develop properly and hatch in time. Usually the mother will lay eggs naturally or can also use a hatching machine.

Previously, the parent must provide a number of 'food' is enough in the egg to embryo development from the beginning until the embryo grows into a chick and hatch.

Interestingly, avian embryonic development occurs outside its mother's body. In other words, since the eggs separate from its parent, the embryo will develop to take advantage of albumen and yolk in the egg. Subhanallah, this is the greatness of God is shown in an egg.

Compare with human embryos that received a continuous supply of food from his mother in the womb, normally for 9 months 10 days. Just a little food supply is interrupted, than fetal growth may also be disrupted, and often fatal for the fetus.

        i.            Conclusion :

Egg is a container for the accumulation of nutrients such as protein, water, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals needed to embryo growth (potential children) until they hatch. Embryo development in fertilized eggs (the marriage) can occur due incubated by the parent or with the help of hatching machines.

Egg shell has pores as media traffic gaseous oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) during the hatching process.

Egg white (albumen) is a place of storage of water and nutrients in the eggs used for embryonic growth. Egg yolk is part of a round shape, yellow to orange and there in the middle of the egg.

Egg yolks contain fat that are important for embryo growth. Inside the egg yolks contained germ cells are a major component of avian embryos.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Cheat Pet Kabochi Samorai & info skillnya

Info Skill:

  1. Kabocha Juumonji - Quick dash toward to taget and attack
  2. Kabocha Kiri - Insert Chakra into his samurai sword and throw it to enemy.
  3. Kabocha Kaiten Kiri - Jump Behind the target and perform a critical attack
  4. Kabocha Ikari - Using his anger to burn target into dust, target HP will be bernt down by 5% in each turn. (4 turns).
  5. Kinjutsu: Kabocha Hedda -Kinjutsu: Focus all the Pumkin Power into his head andheadbutt all the enemies
  6. Kinjutsu: Kabocha Issen - Focus the Pumkin Power on a slash, after perform increase pet's attack damage by 100% and critical chance by 25% (Side Effect: take extra damage by 20% - 4 turns).

Saya baru dapat info dari sebuah forum luar negri ada cheat pet kabocha.. langsung aja ya gan.

1. Open Facebook
2. Enter Ninja Saga
3. Open Charles
4. In Ninja Saga, enter Pet Shop
5. Click on pet you want to buy, but don't click buy yet !!
6. Now, go to Charles and find
7. Left click on it and choose Breakpoints
8. Back to Ninja Saga and click BUY.
9. Edit request window on Charles should appear.
10. Back to Charles, on Edit Request Window find AMF.
11. Modify the Pet ID and Pet Name (The Pet ID is on [1] String and The Pet -Name is on [2] String)
12. Change the Pet ID and Pet Name with data below:

Here is Hacked Pet ID :
SWF Name : pumpkin_2
ID : 66
Pet Name : Kabocha Samurai

13. Then click Execute


Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Dukung Komodo agar masuk kedalam 7 keajaiban dunia

Kita harus mendukung komodo,
Seperti yang kita ketahui,
Komodo telah menjadi calon Keajaiban Alam Dunia Baru (New 7 Wonders of Nature) bersama dua puluh tujuh finalis lain. Spesies kadal terbesar di dunia yang hanya hidup di Indonesia ini berhasil masuk sebagai finalis karena keunikan dan kelangkaannya.

Komodo hanya hidup berkembang di Pulau Komodo dan menetap berdampingan dengan penduduk sekitar. Hubungan harmonis pun tercipta serta menjadi kearifan lokal di pulau tersebut. Kelangkaan Komodo sebagai satwa purbakala endemik, akhirnya menghasilkan penetapan pemerintah Indonesia untuk meresmikan Taman Nasional Komodo sebagai satu-satunya wilayah konservasi perlindungan Komodo.

Candi Borobudur (keajaiban baru dunia hasil tangan manusia 2007), Gunung Anak Krakatau dan Danau Toba (keajaiban alam dunia baru) pernah gagal menjadi finalis New 7 Wonders, menyisakan Komodo sebagai satu-satunya harapan Indonesia untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dunia akan keajaibannya.

Dukungan yang dibutuhkan Komodo adalah minimal 120 juta suara hingga batas waktu 11 November 2011! Suara Anda, suara bangsa Indonesia secara keseluruhan, merupakan dukungan penuh yang akan mewujudkan Komodo sebagai salah satu dari 7 keajaiban dunia. Dengan mengirimkan SMS dan mengajak teman-teman serta kerabat lain untuk ikut berpartisipasi, Komodo akan menjadi bagian dari kebanggaan dunia.

Hanya dengan Rp. 1, satu sumbangsih suara Anda dapat memberi nafas panjang bagi kehidupan Komodo, sekaligus penghormatan untuk Indonesia tercinta!

Hanya dengan Rp. 1, bersama-sama kita kukuhkan keajaiban Komodo sebagai keajaiban Indonesia dan mendunia!

Hanya dengan Rp. 1, SMS ketik KOMODO dan kirim ke 9818 sekarang juga! (untuk semua operator)

Dukung sebanyak-banyaknya..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!